

GriefShare is a special support group for people who are grieving the death of a loved one or someone close to them. 

This ministry has four vital components:

1) It is a place where people can learn valuable information about recovering from grief and provide renewed hope for the future. 2) The foundation is biblical, understanding that God is the Father of comfort and knows best how we can bereave in a whole and healthy way. 3)  The strength of the ministry is the support of others in the bereavement process.  We are designed to walk the journey of life with others.  This is especially true when we grieve.  4) This support group is a safe place for growth and healing, where you can be comfortable being open and vulnerable in the expression of your grief. Everyone’s journey through the grief process is different.  With GriefShare you are free to walk the journey in a way that’s best for you. Currently we meet approximately twice a month immediately following worship service on Sundays.  For more specifics and details please contact ministry leaders as indicated below.  This is a journey we all must travel, with God and one another it can be accomplished in a healthy way.


You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy. 

Psalm 30:11


Sis. Gwen Dorsey (

Bro. Reggie Dorsey (